Christmas Outreach 2018

Christmas is a season of laughter, joy, love, and giving. To celebrate the season, UP Sigma Delta Phi held a Christmas Outreach for the families of the PBMK 2018 children in Metro Vargas last December 10, 2018.
We visited and hosted a program for both the PBMK children and their parents. Games, such as newspaper dance and pabitin, were facilitated for the children. Leila Rahnema ‘08, a UP Business Administration professor, gave a talk on family finance management and business ideas for the parents.
Simultaneously, a coloring and singing activity was held for the children. Songs from PBMK were sung gleefully by the children.
To culminate the event, gift-giving and salu-salo were held as a way of thanking the families of the children for their support for their children and for the sorority throughout Project Bata Mag-Aral Ka 2018.
It was a fun early Christmas celebration not just for the sisters, but for the children and their families as well.